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Attention-grabbing, yet vague title. check for spelling errors Attention-grabbing, yet vague title. Check for spelling errors is this enough to hook the reader? is the goal of this blog post to persuade? inform? provide information about a product or service? Let me know and I can help you! :) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ** If you need more assistance, please let me know and we will continue with our discussion via chat** Thanks, Mikey30404! __________________________________________________________________ - Mikey30404 -. 1. Constant Contact 2. Constant Contact 3. Constant Contact 4. Constant Contact 5. Test6 6. Test7 7. Test8 - Mikey30404 -. 1. Constant Contact 2. Constant Contact 3. Constant Contact 4. Constant Contact 5. Test6 6. Test7 7. Test8 8. Test9 9. Test10 10. Test11 11. Test12 12. 13.13:00:00:00:00:00 13:28:57:28:1 14:07:08:45 15:42:42 16:14 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ The blog post style is not entirely clear, as there are no footnotes or end notes with which to reference the information contained in the post (which would be critically important for a referential piece). The blog post is written in the second person, which is an odd stylistic decision, though not entirely inappropriate given its stated purpose. The author also seems to have a tendency to ramble and repeat himself. Overall, this piece lacks focus and polish. It reads like a rough draft from a student who has been given only 20 minutes in which to complete his or her work. An editor or proofreader could make major improvements in very little time. I suspect that the writer was trying for a tone of extemporaneous informality but fell short of his goal. No doubt the language of presentation is important, but communicating with your audience is also critical. The author needs to spend more time on clarifying his goals and getting to know what they expect from the blog post. As with any piece of writing, stick to one or two main points that are most important. Vague writing will not be well received by most readers. Good luck! 1) Good luck! 2) I liked the first paragraph because it made me curious about what you have to say in your blog post. cfa1e77820